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Verter Turroni

Cesena IT, 1965
Verter Turroni places us in front of pieces of a world without a horizon. Scraps which are the broken image
of what was once whole. Chips of exploded glass. Threads which are now unravelled. Sections of a shattered entirety. Pieces of a puzzle that can’t be reassembled. Fragments which declare the end of a universe, but, together, make moments of that same universe impending, exhibiting a mutilated greatness. Turroni, with his assemblages and his installations, situates himself in a lateral position compared to reality, to linger, mainly, over minimal clues. He steals the tesserae of an exploded mosaic; opens cracks, to glimpse the outlines of the real, gathering private slivers and unearthed memories; reveals precarious equilibrium. Rather than delineating great frescos he brings into focus some frames, hiding every reference, until he reaches even abstract results. According to an idea of Benjamin he accomplishes an assertive regeneration. As a whole, his work, reintegrates ruins, he rewrites them, he redeems them.